Do I need an Interrail or a Eurail Pass?

Interrail Passes are for you if you’re a citizen or legal resident of a European country (yes, that includes the UK!). If not, you'll need to travel with a Eurail Pass.

If you're a legal resident of Europe but not a citizen, we ask for your country of residence when you place an order. This will show on your Interrail Pass, so you will need to bring your official European residency card or document along during your travels.

If you have more than one passport or official residency (dual citizenship), the Pass you use must be based on where you actually live:

1. If you have 2 European passports, use the passport or national identity card (ID) of the country you live in to order your Interrail Pass.

2. If you have a European passport and a non-European passport, use the passport or national identity card (ID) of the country you live in. If you live in Europe, order an Interrail Pass. If you live outside of Europe, order a Eurail Pass.

3. If you have a European passport and a non-European passport but live in a different European country, you can travel with a passport or national identity card (ID). Still, your country of residence is the country you live in. Order an Interrail Pass and bring an official residency card or document with you along with your passport or national identity card (ID).

Please note that a driver's license or an e-residency document is not a valid travel document.