European rail network maps

The following European rail maps are adapted from cartography developed by European Rail Timetable Limited, the company which publishes the monthly European Rail Timetable. It comes in both print and digital editions and is an excellent aid for journey planning.

These maps are not 100% comprehensive  - for clarity many minor regional and suburban lines have been omitted, but they do include the major high-speed, intercity rail lines and principal regional routes in each of our best-selling countries.

Great Britain (GB) rail map (click to expand)

France rail map (click to expand)

Italy rail map (click to expand)

Germany rail map (click to expand)

Spain rail map (click to expand)

Rail maps are indicative only. The inclusion of a line does not necessarily guarantee that Rail Europe will actually sell tickets for that particular route. But we do sell tickets for most of the routes shown on the maps. We try to keep the maps up to date but aren't responsible for any out-of-date or incorrect information. Please refer to search results and tickets for information about your journey.

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