Change train ticket name

It is not usually possible to change the name on a booking after you've paid, but don't worry! You may be able to travel on the ticket. The deciding factor is whether your tickets are "nominative" or not.

  • Nominative: Tickets with names on them can only be used by the named traveller, who must carry ID. They cannot be used by anyone else. To make a name change you'll need to refund your ticket and buy a new one with the correct name. There are some exceptions for Italo trains; see below.
  • Non-nominative: Anyone can travel on non-nominative tickets as long as they are permitted to travel on the same fare type e.g. an adult, senior or child can travel on an adult ticket, but an adult cannot travel on a child or senior ticket.

Can I change the name on my ticket?

Operator Nominative / Non-nominative Name change allowed? Can someone else use my ticket?
UK Non-nominative No Yes
SNCF: Collect-at-station Nominative No No
SNCF: Print-at-home and mobile tickets Nominative No No
Eurostar Nominative Yes under conditions No
Renfe Nominative Yes Name change is only possible for the higher class of fares. If the fare is Basico, name change is not possible. Entering a correct name is important. In case of a minor spelling error in the name, passengers would have no issues to travel.
Deutsche Bahn Nominative No No
ÖBB Nominative No No
Trenitalia Nominative No  Name change is not possible for regional trains; for high-speed trains, like Freccairossa, name change is possible, but it depends upon the ticket price. No
Italo Nominative Yes  Name change is possible. If there is a minor spelling error in the passenger's name, they can travel with the same tickets. No
Nominative No No

*Not all Italo tickets permit name changes. You should check the specific fare conditions associated with your ticket. 

What if I made a typo?

Variations such as abbreviated names, typos or spelling mistakes aren’t usually a problem. The ticket inspector (if they notice) will recognize that it's simply human error. Just make sure you carry ID.